At a Glance: The INSERT Field dialog box

After opening a templateA word processor or form document that has been converted to HotDocs format so that it can be automated. When in template format, changeable text in the template can be replaced with variables. Other instructions can be added as well, such as instructions that create lists, condition text, and insert other templates. to edit, you can open the INSERT FieldA place in the template that denotes where users' answers should be merged, or where a specific instruction should be executed. In a text template, a field is denoted by chevrons. In a form template, a field is denoted by a colored box that is overlaid on the form's static text. dialog box by clicking on the INSERT Field button on the HotDocs ribbon.

At the top of the dialog box, you can select what you would like to insert into the template from a multiple choice list. The available options change depending on what you select; below is an image of each possibility with a short description of the option:

INSERT Template

In the text field you can type the file path to the template you want to insert, or you can click the Open button and navigate to the template.


In the text field you can type the file path to the image file you wish to insert or you can click the Open button and navigate to the template.


If you have a portion of the template text selected when you click INSERT ClausePredefined sections of text that can be selected and added to an assembled document. Usually clauses are grouped together in a clause library so users can choose which ones they want to insert, although some clauses are merged in the document automatically., you can type a name for a new clause in the text field and click the OK button to open the Edit Clause dialog box. If you want to insert the clause as part of an IF statement, then select INSERT clause only IF selected before clicking the OK button.

INSERT Clause Library

In the text field you can type the file path to the clause libraryA file that contains a listing of available clauses. Users can select the clauses they want to use from the library, designate the order they should be merged in the document, and then answer any questions contained in the clauses. The clauses are then merged in the document. you want to insert or you can click the Open button and navigate to the template.

To learn more about using INSERT fields follow the links below: